Policy Reports

The LSG publishes Policy Reports on major state issues.
  • Funding Schools, Not Vouchers, is the key to Student Success

    With a $32 billion surplus going into the 88th Texas Legislature, most educators and legislators saw the session as a long-overdue opportunity to make a genuine investment in our 5.4 million Texas public school students.  The House had a chance… Continue reading “Funding Schools, Not Vouchers, is the key to Student Success”…
  • The Property Tax Deal Explained: A Recap of the 88th Second Special Session

    A deal on property tax relief was reached during the second special session with two bills and a joint resolution signed into law by Gov. Abbott on August 9th. This report offers a closer look at the bills passed and… Continue reading “The Property Tax Deal Explained: A Recap of the 88th Second Special Session”…
  • 88th First Special Session Recap

    For the Texas House, the special session concluded the day it began, with three bills passed by the House. The Senate adjourned Sie Die yesterday, June 27th, with five bills passed by the Senate. In the end, none of the… Continue reading “88th First Special Session Recap”…